Historical posts with less current relevance.
The Annotated Lancaster Consensus
Perl QA hackathon 2013 wrapup
UNIVERSAL::new for command line MU
How I've started managing GitHub pulls
The GitHub pulls scoreboard says I'm losing
How to mass-favorite modules on MetaCPAN
No more copy and paste: How to refactor tests with roles
Stop Pod tests before they stop you!
How I'm using Dist::Zilla to give credit to contributors
HTTP::Tiny now with cookies
CPAN is for experimentation and I hope that never changes
How to move CPAN RT tickets to Github
My Perl 6 post was really about Perl 5
Is Perl 6 pointless, hopeless or just not done?
Alternative to Test::NoWarnings
Why I sometimes hate require
Crossing the Perl Rubicon
Adventures in Benchmarking, Part 1
Goodbye Path::Class, hello Path::Tiny
My second week of Dancer, now with queues and transactional email
My first week of Dancer, Xslate and Bootstrap
Wallflower no more
Updated: Visualizing Perl 5 release history
How to build MongoDB with SSL for Linux
How to bootstrap Chef Solo on Linode
Back to blogging and what I've been up to lately
Meetup.com Battle of the Braces omits Perl
Draft raptor logo for NY.pm
Perl QA hackathon 2012 wrapup
Hilight growls from irssi with Plack and ssh
Quick thought on use strict dogma
Visualizing the Perl 5 support policy
Visualizing Perl 5 release cycles
Perl Oasis 2012 wrapup
Yet another taint mode reminder
How to find files with Path::Class::Rule
Code munging with vim: if modifier to if block
Five ways to install module prereqs by hand
What are your top binary library dependencies?
Sorting photos by timestamp with Perl
Counterfactual Perl 6
Throwing in the towel
Will CPAN Testers keep doubling every year?
Parallel Perl Pupils Petition PAUSE
CPAN Testers Metabase back online
Optimizing Modern Perl
Is Javascript the new Perl?
How not to recommend a Perl module