Will CPAN Testers keep doubling every year?

Reading time: 1 minute

A little over a year ago, the CPAN Testers 2.0 beta went live. The new “Metabase” server started accepting reports by web submission instead of the previous method of email-based reports.

In the April CPAN Testers Summary, Barbie noted that CPAN Testers has nearly reached 12 million reports submitted.

I was recently looking at some Metabase statistics and noticed that it now contains over 6.3 million reports since going live. That means that over half of all reports were submitted by web instead of email. It also means that CPAN Testers has nearly doubled in a year.

The year has not been without hiccups, as the recent Amazon-related outage showed. I’ll be spending some time this summer addressing some deficiencies and will be encouraging people to get involved in improving the CPAN Testers clients to make it easier for more people to participate.

Next year, will we see 24 million reports? Let’s make it happen!

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