Historical posts with less current relevance.
Perl whipuptitude: Anatomy of ylastic-costagent
A short Perl break
With LWP 6, you probably need Mozilla::CA
Fixed CPAN Testers reporting with LWP 6
Parallel make for perlbrew
Announcing Module::Build 0.3800
Slouching towards Module::Build 0.38
How to replicate a failure
How to find the CPAN Testers Authors FAQ
CPAN.pm release candidate
Five Test::More features you might not be using yet
Belated Modern Perl review
OS-specific prerequisites with Dist::Zilla
Pairwise list reduction the hard way
Slimmer CPAN configuration
Coming soon in Perl: CPAN local::lib bootstrap
Upgrading File::HomeDir might lose your config files
Why HTTP::Tiny?
Quick update: getting bleadperl ready for META.json
Enjoying my Perl holiday
Creating a YAML::Tiny doppelgaenger
local::lib for CPAN.pm
What tools should you use to create a CPAN distribution?
Patching the Perl core for lazy file handle objects
What's New in Perl 5, Version 13 (updated)
Just got my copy of Modern Perl
Bootstrapping CPAN.pm using HTTP::Lite
Please help test Module::Build 0.36_17
Plat_Forms 2011 contest needs perl web development teams
New prototype accepted; next patch almost done
Why I want a new prototype in the perl core
Automatic version numbering with git and Dist::Zilla
Perl Community Events calendar
What's new in Perl 5, Version 13
What Tiny CPAN modules do you use?
Hacking the Perl core for faster keys, values and each
CPAN Testers 2.0 passes the million report mark
Hacking the Perl core for smarter push and pop
How to script git with perl and Git::Wrapper
Are you ready for CPAN Testers 2.0?
If Perl were smarter about references
Thoughts on Perl 6 hype and backlash
Creating new distributions with Dist::Zilla
Parallel map with Parallel::Iterator
perlprogramming.org looking for a nice home
My OSCON talks are online
Perl 5.13.3 is released
How to join the CPAN Testers 2.0 Public Beta
My life as mini-pumpking, week 2
Downloading RT patches from the command line