When I wrote about migrating RT tickets to Github a couple years ago, it was a quick-and-dirty job. This week, I finally cleaned it up and added some features I’d been missing:
- Automatically closing the migrated RT ticket with a hyperlink to the new Github ticket
- Migrating “stalled” RT tickets, as well as “new” and “open” tickets
- Including all comments, not just the opening one, along with creator email and creation time stamp
- Including hyperlinks to any file attachments
- Including a list of all “requestors” email addresses (people following the ticket)
- Improving distribution name detection for people who don’t use Dist::Zilla
- Adding a “dry-run” mode
- Adding a “single-ticket” mode
Here’s a draft of what a newly migrated ticket might look like (from a test run, not an actual migration, but it shows an attachment):
Or, here’s an actual ticket migrated over for IO::CaptureOutput: Bad joining of STDERR + STDOUT in windows [rt.cpan.org #55164].
I’ve created a github repository for this at zzz-rt-to-github to make it easy for people to grab the script or contribute back. The README file there has instructions.