I’m coming up on my Iron Man deadline, so this short post will have to do while I work on two or three drafts of longer articles.
On Tuesday, I gave two talks at Perl Seminar NY – which, for TIOBE’s sake, is about Perl programming. This was the last Perl Seminar for the 2008-2009 season and meetings will resume in the fall.
The first talk was about the Perl QA hackathon in Birmingham, which I blogged about earlier. The talk focuses less on my own work and a bit more on describing the major projects at the hackathon, some of my thoughts about how to get the most out of attending a hackathon and some thoughts for organizers on throwing a good hackathon. My slides can be downloaded as a pdf: Quality Hacking in Birmingham.
My second talk was about how to capture output in Perl. It introduces a new module I wrote, Capture::Tiny, that replaces a dozen or more different tools to capture output (many of which are limited or broken). I plan to blog more about that, but in the meantime, slides are here: How Not to Capture Output in Perl