With the release of the v1.0 MongoDB Perl driver, I’m starting to sketch out a roadmap for future development and I’d like to hear from anyone using MongoDB and Perl together.
How can you help? 🔗︎
- Please take a few minutes to fill out the MongoDB Developer Experience Survey.
_This survey covers all languages that MongoDB supports in-house. In the past, there have been few responses from Perl developers and I'd like to change that._
- Please click the “++” button on the MetaCPAN MongoDB Release page.
_Because there are no download statistics for CPAN, gauging community interest is challenging and this is one – albeit crude – metric I (and my bosses!) can look at over time._
- Please file a JIRA ticket for any bugs or feature requests you have.
_If you absolutely can't stand to deal with JIRA, you can [email me](mailto:david@mongodb.com) directly and I'll put it in JIRA for you._
- Please promote your work! Blog about it, tweet about, give talks, etc.
_Don't let the "hip" languages be the only ones people think of for big data and NoSQL development._
Why is giving feedback so important? 🔗︎
MongoDB is one of the only next-gen databases to support Perl in-house.
Your feedback helps demonstrate community interest to keep it that way.