I’ve done a lot of things with Perl. I started with some log file analysis, went on to data munging and numerical analysis, learned to write modules, started contributing to the toolchain, packaged Strawberry Perl, got into CPAN Testers, and eventually started hacking on the Perl core.
One thing I’ve never done much of is web development.
That ends now.
I know a lot of the theory, but haven’t really practiced.
I wrote a photo album site for family pictures years and years ago and it still works, but it’s like “baby Perl” web dev – not much more than a tutorial. Now I have real reasons to learn web development seriously for something substantial.
As implied in the title of this post, I’ve decided to use Dancer. Of the various frameworks I’ve looked at, it fits my brain best at first glance.
I tend to like minimalism, like my addiction to ::Tiny modules, and Dancer seems to be (while not Tiny) at least fairly minimalist. It also has a strong community, which is another thing I really value.
I expect future posts will be at least in part about my experiences with it.
See you on the dance floor…